Level Yourself

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Work in progress

This is the big page. You follow this up to level 30s you are good to go.  30 - 40 are the hardest levels after that its all instance leveling and getting equipment. Then 56+ you get high level instances.


Level 1 - 5/6

Basicly all you do is your noobie zone quests, kill fast as fuck, and pick up everything you can and sell. All leveling under level 40 is questing accept under 6, you can kill to gain levels fast but questing helps you know where to go for later quests, and gives you free exp while your grinding it out on little wolves.  Every 2 levels train your char at your trainer.

Dark Elves = To be honest I don't know your noobie zone, just ask Flops to port you at level 5 it should take from 1 - 2 hours if you kill non stop, and if you're a priest tell Flops asap cause I know they're hard to level without groups.

Dwarves and Gnomes = Too easy, should take up to 1 hour. Talk to the first guy in front of you for your quest. The first quest is killing wolves.  Do it, you will Level before you finish the quest prolly. Get quests in the keep and any remainders outside.  Do those, just don't do the collecting tools quest its a waist of time. One quest will send you to another guy down the road with a letter.  Go west, talk to him, you should be lvl 3 prolly when you talk to him.  He will give you a boar quest, its all killing and free exp from turning in the quest. Then you get sent to another guy from the boar guy.  He is in between the keep and the boar guy and south.  He gives you a quest to kill trolls, go south kill them and go back.  You can do the hot drink quest its quick and you prolly need to sell stuff anyway or train. Your prolly level 4, take his quest for finding his journal go in the cave south he is kind of deep in there by some frozen water.  He's not that hard.  Turn that in go east of the keep down the road. If you see a quest guy on the way get it, you're on the way anyway. You're level 5 or soon will be. Go through the tunnel of mobs.  Stay on the road, watch the fireworks on the right when you see a bunch of drunken dwarfs blowing shit up.  Keep following the road till you see a little town.  There is a quest outside of the inn and on the other side of the road.  Get drunk in the inn and get ready to kill more.

Humans = Easiest.  This is the best noobie zone, you can get level 6 in a half an hour if you do it quick.  Its all centralized around 1 building.  Talk to the guy outside or in the doorway.  One of them sends you to the west side of the building.  Go around and a dude is there with a quest. Do it, kill the wolves.  Turn that in and all the rest of the quests are with the 2 guys you talked to in the beginning.  Kill the troggs. Do their little quests, all the trainers are inside and the vendors are in those shacks by the entrance. The last quests are killing humans across the river to the east.  It ends with killing a big guy that aint that big, kind of like the dwarf side.  Just remember to get every quest from those 2 guys, this is the most noobified zone ever. After you train go south get the guys quest along the way to goldshire and get there.  Watch for bandits.  Goldshire is just like the dwarf sides town, they got 2 buildings.  Ones an inn and ones a smith.  It's a small town with lots of quests.  Look around, and get ready to pwn some more.

Level 5/6 - 10

Dun Morogh =

Elwynn Forest =

Level 10 - 20

Westfall =

Loch Modan =

Level 17 - 23

Redridge =

Level 20 - 28

Darkshire =

Wetlands =

Level 28 - 32

Gnomeregan = Remember that when you go to gnomer, you're going after the elites.  Make sure you get all the quests you can before you go in.  If you get them all its more than a level by themselves.

Hillsbrad Foothills =

Level 30 - 40

Arathi highlands =

Level 40 - 50


Level 50 - 56


Level 56 - 60